- deactivate(Actor...) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.SocialNetwork
Deactivates all actors specified by the input actors, i.e.,
marks each of them as inactive.
- deactivate(Collection<Actor>) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.SocialNetwork
Deactivates all actors specified by the input set of actors, i.e.,
marks each of them as inactive.
- decode(String) - Static method in enum org.mathIT.genes.AminoAcid
Returns the amino acid represented by the specified name.
- decode(char) - Static method in enum org.mathIT.genes.AminoAcid
Returns the amino acid represented by the specified one-letter symbol.
- decode(AminoAcid) - Static method in enum org.mathIT.genes.Codon
Returns the codon which is related to the specified amino acid by the genetic code.
- decode(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.ORF
Factory method producing a list of genes from a specified DNA base sequence
of the letters A, C, G, T.
- decode(AminoAcid) - Static method in enum org.mathIT.genes.RNACodon
Returns the amino acid which is related to this codon by the genetic code.
- decomposeQR() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns the QR decomposition of this matrix as a pair of matrices.
- decreaseKey(V, double) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.FibonacciHeap
Decreases the key value for a heap node, given the new value to take on.
- decreaseKey(V, double) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.PriorityQueue
Decreases the key of the specified element v to the value d.
- decToBin(BigInteger) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns n as a binary string.
- decToBin(BigInteger, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns n as a binary string of the specified minimum length.
- decToBin(BigDecimal, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns z as a hexadecimal string with at most limit
positions right of the binary point.
- decToBin(long) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns n as a binary string.
- decToBin(long, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns n as a binary string of the specified minimum length.
- decToBin(double) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns z as a binary string with at most 70 digits right of
the binary point.
- decToBin(double, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns z as a binary string with at most limit
positions right of the binary point.
- decToBinByte(long) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns n as a binary string in a 1-byte form.
- decToHex(BigInteger) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns n as a hexadecimal string.
- decToHex(BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns z as a hexadecimal string with at most 100 positions right of
the hexadecimal point.
- decToHex(BigDecimal, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns z as a hexadecimal string with at most limit
positions right of the hexadecimal point.
- decToHex(long) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns n as a hexadecimal string.
- decToHex(double) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns z as a hexadecimal string with at most 20 digits right of
the hexadecimal point.
- decToHex(double, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns z as a hexadecimal string with at most limit
positions right of the hexadecimal point.
- decToHex2Byte(long) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns n as a hexadecimal string in 2-byte form.
- decToTern(BigInteger) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns n as a ternary string.
- decToTern(BigInteger, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns n as a ternary string of the specified minimum length.
- decToTern(BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
z as a ternary string with at most
50 digits right of
the ternary point.
- decToTern(BigDecimal, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns z as a ternary string with at most limit
positions right of the ternary point.
- decToTern(long) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns n as a ternary string.
- decToTern(long, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns n as a ternary string of the specified minimum length.
- decToTern(double) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns z as a ternary string with at most 40 digits right of
the ternary point.
- decToTern(double, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns z as a ternary string with at most limit
positions right of the ternary point.
- decToTernB(BigInteger) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns n as a balanced ternary string.
- decToTernB(BigInteger, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns n as a balanced ternary string of the specified minimum length.
- decToTernB(BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
z as a balanced ternary string with at most
50 digits right of
the ternary point.
- decToTernB(BigDecimal, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns z as a balanced ternary string with at most limit
positions right of the ternary point.
- decToTernB(long) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns n as a balanced ternary string.
- decToTernB(long, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns n as a balanced ternary string of the specified minimum length.
- decToTernB(double) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns z as a balanced ternary string with at most
40 digits right of
the ternary point.
- decToTernB(double, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns z as a balanced ternary string with at most limit
positions right of the ternary point.
- deg(double[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Polynomial
Determines the degree of the polynomial represented by the given array.
- deg() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Polynomial
Returns the degree of this polynomial.
- delete(V) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.FibonacciHeap
Deletes a node from the heap given the reference to the node.
- depthFirstSearch(int, V) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns the index of the searched target, or -1 if the target is not
contained in this graph.
- depthFirstSearch(V, V) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns the index of the searched vertex if it is reachable from the start vertex.
- det() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Computes the determinant of this matrix.
- detectClusters() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns a clustering of this graph which maximizes its modularity.
- detectClustersExactly() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Finds an optimum clustering by exhaustion.
- DF - Static variable in class org.mathIT.graphs.WeightedGraph
Decimal Format "#,##0.#####".
- dijkstra(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.WeightedGraph
Finds shortest paths from source vertex v[s] to all other vertices of this graph.
- directed - Variable in class org.mathIT.graphs.Edge
Flag indicating whether this edge is directed.
- dist - Variable in class org.mathIT.graphs.WeightedGraph
Distance matrix filled by Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
- distance - Variable in class org.mathIT.graphs.WeightedGraph
Distance matrix filled by Bellman-Ford algorithm.
- div3b(BigInteger) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns the integer division n/3 in the balanced ternary system.
- div3b(long) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns the integer division n/3 in the balanced ternary system.
- divide(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Polynomial
Comparably fast method which returns an array {q,r} of two arrays
representing the quotient q of the two given polynomials u/v
and the remainder r.
- divide(Polynomial) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Polynomial
Divides this polynomial by the given polynomial v
and returns an array {q,r} holding the quotient q as the first entry
and the remainder r as the second entry.
- divide(PolynomialZ) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.PolynomialZ
Divides this polynomial by the given polynomial v
and returns an array {q,r} holding the quotient q as the first
entry and the remainder r as the second entry.
- divide(double, double[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
divides a real number x by a complex number y.
- divide(double, Complex) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
divides a real number x by a complex number y.
- divide(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
divides two complex numbers x and y.
- divide(Complex) - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
divides this complex numbers by z.
- divide(double) - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Quaternion
Divides this quaternion by a real number y.
- divide(Rational) - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Rational
Returns the rational number k = m/n where
m is this rational number.
- divide(BigInteger) - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Rational
Returns the rational number k = m/n where
m is this rational number.
- divide(long) - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Rational
Returns the rational number k = m/n where
m is this rational number.
- divideFromLeft(Quaternion) - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Quaternion
Divides this quaternion by a quaternion y from the left.
- divideFromRight(Quaternion) - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Quaternion
Divides this quaternion by a quaternion y from the right.
- divideMod(PolynomialZ, BigInteger) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.PolynomialZ
Divides this polynomial by the given polynomial v modulo m
and returns an array {q,r} holding the quotient q as the first entry
and the remainder r as the second entry.
- DNA - Class in org.mathIT.genes
This class represents the DNA genome of a living organism.
- DNA(String, ArrayList<Character>) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.genes.DNA
Constructor of this genome.
- DNA(String, char[]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.genes.DNA
Constructor of this genome.
- dominantEigenvalue - Variable in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
The dominant eigenvalue of this matrix.
- dominantEigenvector - Variable in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
An eigenvector associated to the dominant eigenvalue of this matrix.
- doubleValue() - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Quaternion
Returns the value of the real part of this quaternion.
- drawAxes(Graphics2D) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.ComplexPlotPane
Draws the axes of this plot.
- drawTicks(Graphics2D) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.Plot3DPane
Draws ticks on the axes of this plot.