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The mathIT Library
A Java™ API for mathematics
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p(char) - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.DNA
Returns the probability to obtain the specified nucleobase of this genome sequence.
p(char) - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the probability to obtain the specified nucleobase of this genome sequence.
p(char) - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the probability to obtain the specified amino acid of this protein sequence.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.ComplexPlotPane
paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.Plot3DPane
paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.PlotPane
partitions(EnumSet<E>) - Static method in class org.mathIT.algebra.EnumSet
Returns a list of partitions of the specified set.
partitions() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.MathSet
Returns a list of partitions of this set.
partitions(MathSet<E>) - Static method in class org.mathIT.algebra.MathSet
Returns a list of partitions of the specified set.
partitions(E[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.algebra.MathSet
Returns a list of partitions of the specified set, each partition encoded as an array partition[] meaning that set element i is in subset partition[i].
partitions() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.OrderedSet
Returns a list of partitions of this set.
partitions(OrderedSet<E>) - Static method in class org.mathIT.algebra.OrderedSet
Returns a list of partitions of the specified set.
partitions(E[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.algebra.OrderedSet
Returns a list of partitions of the specified set, each partition encoded as an array partition[] meaning that set element i is in subset partition[i].
partitions(int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns a list of all partitions of a small integer n.
permutation(int, ArrayList<T>) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Combinatorics
For every number k with 0 ≤ k < n!
permutations(T[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Combinatorics
Returns all permutations of a sequence as a 2-dimensional array.
permutations(Set<T>) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Combinatorics
Returns all permutations of a set as a 2-dimensional array.
phaseFlip(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.GraphRegister
Apply a phase flip gate (i.e. a Pauli-Z) on vertex v.
phaseRot(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.GraphRegister
Apply a phase gate S on qubit v.
phi(int, double) - Static method in class org.mathIT.approximation.Wavelets
returns the value of the scaling function Nφ(x) of the Daubechies wavelet DN, where N = 2, 4, ..., 20.
phi() - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Factors
The Euler function φ(n), sometimes also called totient function.
phiAsPartOfPi - Variable in class org.mathIT.quantum.QuantumGate
rotation angle, as the integral part n of π.
PI - Static variable in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
The constant π, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
pi(int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns the exact value of π up th the specified precision.
pi(int, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns the exact value of π up th the specified precision and the number system.
PI3_2 - Static variable in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
The constant 3π/2.
PI3_4 - Static variable in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
The constant 3π/4.
PI5_4 - Static variable in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
The constant 5π/4.
PI7_4 - Static variable in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
The constant 7π/4.
PI_2 - Static variable in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
The constant π/2.
PI_4 - Static variable in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
The constant π/4.
piecewiseLinear(double) - Method in class org.mathIT.approximation.Interpolation
piecewise linear continuous function interpolating between the x-y values.
pixelToV(int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.ComplexPlotPane
Returns the projected coordinate values from the pixel values.
pixelToV(int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.Plot3DPane
Returns the projected coordinate values from the pixel values.
pixelToX(int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.ComplexPlotPane
Returns the x-value corresponding to the pixels (px,py).
pixelToX(int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.Plot3DPane
returns the x-value corresponding to the pixels (px,py).
pixelToY(int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.ComplexPlotPane
Returns the y-value corresponding to the pixels (px,py).
pixelToY(int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.Plot3DPane
returns the x-value corresponding to the pixels (px,py).
Plot3DPane - Class in org.mathIT.plot
An object of this class is a canvas for plotting graphs of three-dimensional function.
Plot3DPane(int, int, String[], Color[], byte[], double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.plot.Plot3DPane
Creates a new 3D plot pane.
PlotPane - Class in org.mathIT.plot
An object of this class is a canvas for plotting graphs of a function depending on one variable.
PlotPane(int, int) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.plot.PlotPane
Creates an empty plot pane.
PlotPane(int, int, String[], Color[], byte[], double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.plot.PlotPane
Creates a new plot pane.
plus(Matrix) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns the sum of this matrix with the given matrix b.
plus(PolynomialZ) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.PolynomialZ
Returns the sum this + q of this polynomial and the specified polynomial q.
plus(PolynomialZ, BigInteger) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.PolynomialZ
Returns the sum this + q of this polynomial and the specified polynomial q, with coefficients modulo m.
plus(Complex) - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
Returns the sum of this number and the complex number z.
plus(Quaternion) - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Quaternion
Returns the sum of this number and the quaternion y.
plus(Rational) - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Rational
Returns the rational number k = m + n where m is this rational number.
Polynomial - Class in org.mathIT.algebra
This class enables to generate objects representing polynomials with real coefficients.
Polynomial() - Constructor for class org.mathIT.algebra.Polynomial
Creates an empty polynomial with a new ExponentComparator.
Polynomial(ExponentComparator) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.algebra.Polynomial
Creates an empty polynomial with the given ExponentComparator.
polynomial(double) - Method in class org.mathIT.approximation.Interpolation
Returns the value at x of the polynomial interpolating through the given data points, as given by Lagrange's classical formula.
polynomial(double, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.approximation.Regression
computes the value on the regression curve at t.
polynomial(double, double, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.approximation.Regression
computes the value on the regression curve at t and its distance from the confidence limits, if the measurement errors are known.
polynomial(double, double, double, int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.approximation.Regression
computes the value eta(t) on the regression curve at t and its distance from the confidence limits, if the measurement errors are unknown.
PolynomialZ - Class in org.mathIT.algebra
This class enables to generate objects representing polynomials with integer coefficients.
PolynomialZ() - Constructor for class org.mathIT.algebra.PolynomialZ
Creates an empty polynomial with a new BigExponentComparator.
PolynomialZ(BigExponentComparator) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.algebra.PolynomialZ
Creates an empty polynomial with the given BigExponentComparator.
PolynomialZ(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.algebra.PolynomialZ
Creates a polynomial with a the single term ae xe and a new BigExponentComparator.
PolynomialZ(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigExponentComparator) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.algebra.PolynomialZ
Creates a polynomial with a the single term ae xe and the given BigExponentComparator.
pow(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Computes the n-th power of this matrix.
pow(BigDecimal, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns a BigDecimal whose value is xn, using the core algorithm defined in ANSI standard X3.274-1996 with rounding according to the context BigNumbers.MATH_CONTEXT.
pow(Complex) - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
Returns zs where z is this complex number, and s is a complex number.
pow(long, long) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns the value of xe.
pow(double, long) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns the value of xe.
pow2(int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns the value of 2n.
power(double, Complex) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
Returns xs for a real number x and a complex number s.
power(double, double[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
Returns xs for a real number x and a complex number s.
power(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
Returns zs for two complex numbers z, s.
PRECISION - Static variable in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Maximum precision of BigDecimals, having the value 50.
pred - Variable in class org.mathIT.graphs.WeightedGraph
Successor matrix filled by Bellman-Ford algorithm.
primalityTestAKS(BigInteger) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
The AKS primality test, returns true if the integer n > 1 is prime.
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.gui.GraphCanvas
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.ComplexPlotPane
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.Plot3DPane
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.PlotPane
PriorityQueue<V extends Vertible<V>> - Class in org.mathIT.graphs
This class represents a priority queue for an array list of vertices.
PriorityQueue(V[]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.graphs.PriorityQueue
Creates a priority queue containing the input vertices.
Probability - Class in org.mathIT.statistics
This class provides probabilistic functions such as probability distributions or quantiles.
Protein - Class in org.mathIT.genes
This class represents a protein as a sequence of amino acids.
Protein(String, ArrayList<Character>) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Constructor of a protein with the specified name and the specified sequence of amino acids, i.e., the letters A, C, G, T (or U for an RNA protein).
Protein(String, char[]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Constructor of a protein with the specified name and the specified sequence of amino acids, i.e., the letters A, C, G, T (or U for an RNA protein).
Protein(String, CharSequence) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Constructor of a protein with the specified name and the specified sequence of amino acids, i.e., the letters A, C, G, T (or U for an RNA protein).
psi(int, double) - Static method in class org.mathIT.approximation.Wavelets
returns the function value of the Daubechies wavelet Nψ(x) of the Daubechies class DN, where N = 2, 4, ..., 20.
put(Integer, Double) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Polynomial
Adds the term +ae xe to this polynomial.
put(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.PolynomialZ
Adds the term ae xe to this polynomial.
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The mathIT Library
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